Our Church is open for all to attend without limitation on numbers of people in the congregation. . We have resumed our normal service although we are keeping the collection plate in the foyer as it has proved popular with our congregation and they have been so generous with their freewill donations.
We look forward to welcoming you into our church.
Healing sessions and 'hands on' healing are available together with beds for those patients who prefer them. Healing is carried out on Tuesday evenings 7pm to 8.30pm and on Thursday mornings 10.30am to 12noon.
We have also created a Healing Guestbook where you can nominate your relatives and/or friends for distant healing and we will also place their names in our Church Healing Book and send out healing to them during our Healing Silence on Sunday evenings.
You can now contact us by e mail at 'harvelcrescentchurch@yahoo.com or direct to our Secretary on 01322 409312.
Love, Light and Healing to you all.
Church Committee.